Photograph 7: `Hellup!' A Christmas Card sent by G.D. Roche, former comrade in arms to Brian Wade, 1919.

The verse reads:

When this crool war is hover

O, `ow `appy shall I be,

When I puts my civvy clothes on,

No more sodgerin' for me. (Ancient Army Hymn)

Appendix I



11th June 1916

Somewhere in France



President - Major C.J.S. Green

Chairman - Capt. J.G.H. Holtzapffel

Secretary - Lieut G.D. Roche

Starter - Lieut D. Sutton

Judges - Racing - 2/Lieut Thurnell

Capt. Hartley

2/Lieut Kelley

2/Lieut Tomson

Tug-o'-War - 2/Lieut Wade

Drill - RSM


Wrestling & - Capt. Holtzapffel

Bolster Bar - 2/Lieut Flower

Bombing 2/Lieut Miller

Handicapper 2/Lieut Bam

Marshalls Coy S. Ms.

Clerks of the Course 8 Sergts.


1.2.0 pm N.C.O's Race

220 Yards Handicap

1st 2nd 3rd

2.2.10pm Stretcher Bearers Race

12 3

3.2.20 pm Inter Coy Tug-o-War

B Coy vs. C Coy

4.Band Race

1 2 3

5.2.40 pm Bomb Throwing


Teams of five per Coy

1 2

6.Sack Race


1 2 3

1 2 3

1 2 3

7.Inter Coy Tug-o-War

A Coy vs. D Coy

8.3. 10 pm. Blindfold Drilling Competition

Inter Coy. Teams

1 N.C.O. and 12 Other Ranks

1 2

9.3. 40 pm Officers Pick-A-Back Race

10 4.0 pm Visitors Race

220 yards

1 2 3

11.Bolster Bar Fighting

Heats and Final

1 2

12.Alarm Race

Heats and Final

1 2 3

13 4. 30 pm Three Legged Race

Heats and Final

1 2 3

14.Mounted Wrestling

1 2

15.5.0 pm Inter Coy Tug-o-War



16.Veterans Race

220 yards handicap

Open to other ranks who came to France with the Battn. March 1915.

1 2 3 4


Transport v. Pioneers

18.Bomb Throwing Final

19.5.40 pm Sack Race Final

1 2 3

20.Inter Coy Relay Race

Teams of Four

Each Man to run 220 yards

1 2

Entries for visitors race by 2.30 pm to the Secretary

Other Entries must be handed into orders room by 9.00 pm 10th June


Band of 6th London Field Ambulance will play selections

Appendix II


Being the organ of Reserve Squadron lst King Edward's Horse.

(Published by consent of the Officer Commanding, at Longford.)

No. 1.LONGFORD, FRIDAY, AUGUST 11, 1916.Price, 2d.

Advisory Board.

The Officer Commanding.

Lieut. D. K. Cameron, 2nd Lieut. Crosbie Garstin.

Editorial Staff.

Editor-Cpl. L. 0. Hooper.

Sub-Editors-L.Cpl. G. FitzGerald, E. J. Pizer,

F. W. Barmby.

Business Manager-L.Cpl. Craig; Circulation Manager-

Private A. G. Childs.


To Our Colonel-in-Chief:




IN all humility, we, your servants from the outposts of Empire, dedicate this modest sheet, as we have our lives.



(King's Overseas Dominions Regiment)

Does the man in the street really understand the significance of the above title? I doubt if he does, and yet concentrated in one regiment at the present time there are men representing every corner and outpost of His Majesty's Empire. These men have sacrificed position, prospects, and all they hold dear for the call of the Motherland. They come from as far east as the Solomons and Fijis, from as far West as Callao, from Yukon in the north, and the Falklands in the South! Was there ever such a body of men joined up with but a single purpose and mind? I think not, and I doubt if ever again we shall look upon the like of it.

These men were little accustomed to discipline prior to their joining the Colours; on the contrary the majority had been used themselves to handling Dagos, Kaffirs, and Peons, and withal no keener corps are more anxiously awaiting their chance in the "Big Job" than these men.

Included in its ranks are men of all phases in life. You will find cattle punchers from the States, farmers from the prairies of Canada, tea planters from Ceylon, ranch owners from Australia and New Zealand, railway engineers from the Argentine, Chili, and Paraguay, coffee planters from the Brazils and men from the whole continent of Africa, many of whom have already one campaign to their credit under Botha.

They speak all languages, have done everything and above all are men of action. They have united themselves under the flag in this regiment with the express purpose of subjugating for ever the menace of Prussian Militarism.

These men knew years ago the danger that threatened the motherland, were fully cognisant of the preponderance of Germany in the commercial markets of the world gained by her dirty and underhand methods (knives marked "made in Sheffield" but actually manufactured in Solingen, etc., etc.) They knew these things, and when on their occasional visits to the Homeland remarked on the peril that threatened England but were scoffed and jeered at by the stay-at-home Englishman.

The war cloud burst, and these men answered the call voluntarily - many of them without waiting to put family and commercial affairs in order. They have borne patiently and without a murmur all the irksome details necessary to the training of a "Tommy" and are eagerly awaiting the moment when as a regiment they can do their "bit."



To our brave - and more fortunate - comrades at the Front,

To our dear ones, where'er they be: at home or in the Dominions overseas,

To our gallant allies and all other right thinking, long suffering humankind, Greetings!

This little "rag" was born after due deliberation (and some libation) for the express purpose of providing a medium for the voicing of our various joys and sorrows, ambitions and advices. It is hoped - nay, expected - that all the genius in the regiment will contribute to these columns - as do they to the confusion of our enemies.

Should there be an embryonic Kipling or Doyle on our roll - and we make this appeal particularly to those in the field - let him forward MSS. at once. We will "do him proud" or " down," according to his lights; always remembering "Out of the mouths of rookies and sucklings cometh words of wisdom." (Note: The Editor reserves the right clip, curry, or hobble any or all quotations to suit the occasion-or a defective memory!)

But, to return to things mundane! If the grub is not good as it should be out there let us hear! If there is anything your heart desires which we can beg, borrow, or annex for you, let us know about it!

We all came here with the one idea, and remember: Twice is he armed who hath his quarrel just,

But thrice is he who gets his blow in "fust"

We might mention in passing that this, our natal number, was prepared in just five days, or more properly, nights!

While in no way apologising for any but the editorial efforts, we hope to do better with time and the help of older and more able veterans in France or the Reserve. So that we have pointed out the way, our duty is done. Let others "carry on!"

The first plunge always requires nerve. We have plunged! And, God willing, go to press again this day fortnight. Meantime let us pray for speedy and victorious peace - or oblivion!

All honour to him who shall win the prize!

The world has cried for a thousand years,

But to him who tries and fails and dies

I give great honour and glory and tears.

And great is the man with the sword undrawn,

And good is the man who refrains from wine,

But to him who fails and yet still fights on

Lo! He is the twin-born brother of mine.


(the poet of the Sierras)


Sergeant Major Argent leaves us this week on the expiration of twenty-two years' service (six of them in this Regiment), twenty-two years of the best service any man ever gave any king or any regiment -"and never a crime!"

It is difficult to imagine the K.E.H. without him, it is depressing to think we shall no more see the smart figure on the brown mare trotting at the head of Number One Ride, and no more hear his mighty word of command booming across the Square, and the "light elastic step of the Lancer' treading the concrete outside the Orderly Room.

The "old and bold" will be missed everywhere and by everybody.

The number of his friends must be as the sands of the sea-shore, it is doubtful if he ever had an enemy (if he has that man had better see a doctor)!

Argent, Regimental Sergeant Major is the name he go by on the Roll (which is a cold-blooded affair of titles and figures), but every man in his heart calls him "Bill" and if there is any surer sign of affection than this we have to learn it.

The most persistent defaulter that went cap-offing an right-turning into office, to the snap of the Sergeant Major's voice knew that "a friend in court" went with him.

"Let this silly fellow off light, sir. It may do him good" was his unwearying plea. "I once got let off light myself years ago and it did me good."

His cautionary talks to potential criminals are celebrated -"See here, boy, put your cap on straight and look to it."

Many a once fractious rookie owes his present clean sheet and stripes to the light reining and reasoning tongue of Bill - OUR BILL!

Sergeant Major Argent enlisted in the 5th Lancers in 1894.

He went out to the regiment, then in India, and was in Mutra for two and a half years.

South Africa next, where he was quartered in Ladysmith and Pietermaritzburg. War broke out and the 5th saw action Rietfontien and also at Elandslaagte, where their famous charge took place. After that came the seige of Ladysmith, the most trying seige of modern times. After the relief 5th joined Buller and fought at Amerforte and Belfast, and in innumerable small scraps up and down the country.

At the declaration of peace Argent came home a sergeant with two medals and five bars.

He joined this regiment six years ago, serving two years with Headquarters at Chelsea and two years in Liverpool

In conclusion, Sergeant Major Argent leaves us this week but takes with him our fondest good wishes not only from this squadron, but, we are sure we may say, from the rest of the Regiment at the Front, and from men whom he helped to break into this soldiering trade in the old A Squadron and who are now commissioned officers serving with almost every unit in the British Empire.

Good bye, Bill! Good luck!


Haro! haro! one has wronged me! Indeed not one, but four or more banded together!

In a base conspiracy!

Actions for (1) slander, (2) defamation of character, (3) conduct to the prejudice of the peace of mind of one of His Majesty's subjects, are pending, and in the hands of my solicitors. `Twas thus:

First, I am inveigled into attending a meeting at the - er - chemist's shop, which, in my innocence, I took to be all open and friendly bidding to "A little smoke, a little talk, a little popping of the cork." A gratifying recognition of my singular charm of manner., I thought.

It has been said of me that I once successfully tapped a gentleman from Aberdeen for the proverbial saxpence by merely saying " Ah do." On my arrival, however, I found the conversation assuming a tone redolent of Fleet Street and Carmelite House, eke the purlieus of Paternoster Row.

"Northcliffe has gone abroad. Something must be done." said the chief conspirator.. `Copy,' `Pars,' `Circulation' and such like terms filled the air. Now, I am of an amiable and ingenious disposition, but there is one class of individual that experience has taught me to regard with grave suspicion as, among other things, an adept in the art of terminological inexactitude (or as we say in the regiment a `durned liar') and that is a journalist-even of the humbler kind!

Then, without warning, they broke it to me that they were going to start a Regimental Rag! "Excellent" said the victim. Then they got into details, and decided, among other things, that there must be an article by the Canteen Critic!

Now for I-The Libel, II-The Defamation of Character, III -The Prejudice of the Peace of Mind.

I was elected by unanimous acclaim as the expert in this sphere!!!

"Kismet!" " My sins have found me out." At least that is what they said. So be it. Truly "The hand of the Lord lies heavily upon his servant."

So now to deliver the goods.

What is a Canteen?

The Army Regulations state that it is a building on army premises used by soldiers for refreshment and recreation.

On the other hand I have heard a canteen described as "A Purple Pub," "A Home of Rest," "Nirvana," "A Club of Sorts," "A Place to Avoid," and " A Solace in Sorrow."

The Axioms and Postulates of a Canteen are as follows -

  1. - A pint is that which has position and magnitude.
  2. - ll.-A glass is that which has position but no magnitude.

III.- A Canteen Corporal shall equal or is equal to one glass of beer, as he also has position but no magnitude, and those which are equal to the same thing are equal to one another.

IV.-One pint shall equal another pint, for if one be less then the other must be greater; which is absurd.

V.-One pint of beer shall not contain more Bi-Hydrouis Oxygen than another, otherwise one shall be drunk and the other sober, which is absurd.

VI.-A straight line is the line taken by a Trooper from midday stables to the Canteen.

VII.-A curved line is the line taken by a Trooper from the Canteen to the Mess Room.

VIII.-A circle is the line taken by a Trooper in the adjacent vicinity of the Canteen two days after pay day, looking for a friend.

IX.-A wrangle is the aching void between the line of thought of the Canteen barman and the line of thought of his customers .

X.-The wrangle between the barman and one soldier shall not exceed the wrangle between the barman and another soldier, for if it do, either one side or the other must have neglected opportunities of rhetoric and persiflage which is absurd.

XI.-If both pints of a trying wrangle be produced to the Orderly Officer the exterior wrangles shall be disregarded.

XII.-A Canteen Corporal on duty shall exceed any other Corporal in all capacities, for the greater exceeds the less.

XIII.-Troopers crossing the square from the Canteen shall move in parallel lines, and at no point converge, otherwise they will impinge on Military discipline and the first laws of Euclid - Q.E.D.

After experience in the Canteen,

I can state, abjuring bias

A greatly over-rated man

Was poor, unhappy "Ananias."

I might continue in this strain

for several columns, but refrain

The Editor has told me not

To send him any more such rot.



Who is the lucky N.C.O. who has aspirations towards shortly becoming a hotel proprietor, via the Registrar's Office. Has he recently returned from France?

Is it a fact that the "Heavenly Twins" are seriously contemplating petitioning the O.C. to have Squadron Orders read at an hotel in town, famous for its teas instead of on the Square.

Will the man at present in Dublin on a special course of cookery be more successful with horse radish sauce than with a saucy horse?

Would the professional kit lifter practising his ungodly calling in the hats of the 2nd Troop be prepared to issue exemption badges at a reasonable fee-say 2s. 6d. ?

Is it a fact that the 2nd ride, their own woes forgetting by the Adjutant forgot, is sufficiently a well established institution to lay claim to a motto? What about "Quid Rides?"

Why did the Colonel order a Hair Cutting `Bee? He-got the TIP.

Who was the man on the rocks who wrote to his father saying that while acting as line guard he had lost one of the horses, and requested him to forward £50 to pay for same? Did the Canteen and friends benefit over this transaction more than the horse dealer?

Would the officers care to hear the men's opinion on "Stables"?

Is it true that the Orderly Corporal has lately signed the pledge, or only another rumour?


WANTED.-A Room Orderly who is likely to satisfy the Orderly Officers. The following qualifications are necessary: The patience of Job, with a combination of the angel Gabriel, Hercules, and a New Slavey.

WANTED.-An assistant to Librarian at Top Barracks. Only professional lead swingers need apply.


By G. G.

One, Shakespeare, a best seller of his period writes that Richard III. had the temerity on the Battle of Bosworth Field to cry "A horse! A horse! My kingdom for a horse!" The writer of these notes wishes he had been there when he would have obliged him on K.30, and certainly at a cheaper rate. We have no data as to when Hamlet's expression "'Tis a bloody business" was uttered, but we are of the opinion that the Prince of Denmark used this expression after his first visit to the riding master. We may be wrong, but we doubt it.

It is entirely erroneous to presume that people who sport the "spur" have won the same by an exhibition of rough riding.

No, my dear reader, this spur which adorns the sleeve of our instructors was gained through possessing a rowling tongue, and an unlimited supply of superlative adjectives. Or to put it more crudely "The stronger the language the more efficient the instructor."

We hope our instructors will take this in the spirit it is meant. We are not going to express our gratitude in words, but some day or "somewhere" we will try to prove it.

Now for some reminiscences. I shall never forget the morning at the - Lancers' riding school when a certain gallant major known to many of us first ordered the "Ride" to cross their stirrups and fold their arms. When we had obeyed he proceeded to explain why this ghastly procedure was necessary for the training of cavalrymen, and after a pithy discourse on knee-grips and bodily balance, &c., &c., wound up by saying "We've had some verry nasty accidents but I'll hope for the best. Come on the next." Needless to say the next did come on, but without his horse.

It is also told of the same major that when a rookie ride was circling round him (wondering why ever they had `listed) he dismounted from his horse and kneeling on the tan solemnly prayed that divine fire might descend and wither them, for as he explained, " Thou seest, 0 Lorrd! I can dae nothing wi em!


Sgt.-Major - Hello, Baker, what's that you've got there

Baker - A medal for punctuality, sir.

Sgt.-Major - For what!!

Baker - For punctuality, sir-first in the canteen and last out!


Gentleman aged 36, engaged in the building trade, applying for exemption from military service.

Magistrate decides to send the case to the local tribunal at which the gentleman builder expresses great satisfaction and thanks.

Asked by the magistrate why he was so pleased, the builder stated that he was quite sure of being excused military duty by the Tribunal, because six of the committee were in his employ and the chairman owed him money!

Sergeant-I'll let you off stable duty, my man, because as you can't remember to walk further away from the horses' heels you will get your head kicked off-and a good horse would be lamed for life!


Some sports in aid of the Longford Nursing Fund were held in Longford Park on August 4th, the Squadron figuring prominently.

The full band under the able conductorship of Bandmaster Skeplehorn played delightfully all the afternoon. The string band also performed in the evening, its dance music being highly applauded.

The Dismounted Action was won by the 4th Troop with a comfortable margin.

Team-Sgt. Bennett, Tprs. Stanley, Whelan, and Higgins.

Wrestling on Horseback was won by the 6th Troop after a hard contest with the 4th.

Team-Tprs. Moss, Mende, Stanley, and Gregory.

Inter-Troop Tug-o'-War was won by the 6th Troop who afterwards succumbed abruptly to the stalwarts of the R.I.C.

Tent Pegging with swords was very closely contested, some excellent runs being made.

Winners-Warrant Officers and N.C.O.'s-Sgt. Foste, 6th Troop; Sgt. Major Hatton. Men-Tpr. Whelan, 4th Troop; Tpr. King, 2nd Troop.

"Owed" to Orderly Officer.

Who sniffs the cocoa and the tea

And says "This soup tastes good to me"

And never seems entirely clear

Which is the stout and which the beer

The 0. 0.

Can French and English mustard tell

By their weird differences of smell

Who damns the Canteen Corporal's eyes

And wishes us in - Paradise

Oh! Oh!

Who prowls about with eagle eye

And wants to know the when and why

Of beds and brooms, horses and grooms

And specks of dust in Barrack Rooms

The 0. 0.


Argent-et d'or.

C. O. Inspecting.

C. O. - Any complaints, men?

Old Soldier - Yes, sir, spuds are bad.

C. O. - So are your "kits." Three days C.B.

Squad Leader Lecturing.

S. L. - What is the first thing to do when pitching camp?

Recruit - Dig a trench and place bar along top.

S.L. - Then what!!!

Recruit - Fill it in. (End of Lecture).

Instructor running recruits down tent pegging track.

"The way to Heaven is straight and narrow

Few of you will enter the golden gate."

Printed for the Publishers at Turners Printing Works, Earl Street, Longford, Ireland.

Appendix III


[Front Cover Illustration of Programme]



[Xmas 1916]


are due to the following music publishers: -

Messrs. Reynolds & Co.

Messrs. Joseph Williams.

Messrs. Francis, Day & Hunter.

Messrs. The Star Publishing Co.

Messrs. Chappell & Co.

Messrs. Ascherberg, Hopwood & Crew.

And to many leading members of the Theatrical profession for costumes, wigs, etc.

Messrs. Hoss Empires Ltd.

Messrs. Harry Day of Revue Fame.

Mr Herbert Bryan, Adelphi Theatre.

Mr Philip Wardroper, Alhambra Theatre.

Mr Tom Reynolds & Mr W. Marsh. Savoy Theatre.

Mr George Reid, Climax Film Co.

The Globe Film Co. London and

Mr Harry Tate.


Overture. `On the Staff'. arranged by Pte. V. L. Leonard



Showing how Major Harry Tate of the Norty Worst Division won the D.S.O.

CHARACTERS in the order in which they appear :-

No. 123456789, Pte. Bairnsfather,

The orderley. - Capt. A. H. Reid

No. 987654321, Pte. Jollyboy,

The Map Man. - Pte. L. Stone

Mr Harry Tate, Intelligence Officer,

Norty Worst Division. - L/Cpl. O. Rae.

Gerald, His son, The Officer under Instruction. - Cpl. Holden

The Orderly from `Q' Branch.

- Gnr. W. Burgess

The General Officer Commanding Northern Group of Armies - Lt. D'Arcy

The Divisional Car Driver.

- L/C Eddleston

Lieut. Vaux Hall, Intelligence Officer,

Norty Two Brigade. - Pte. F. Platt.

Lieut. Albert Hall, Intelligence Officer,

Norty Three Brigade.- L/C. P. E. Coffin.

Lieut. Donnington Hall, Intelligence Officer, Norty Four Brigade.

- Gnr. W. Burgess.

Sapper Longstick of the R.O.D.

- Spr. H. Coupe.

Miss Creame de Menthe, engaged to Lieut. Albert Hall. Miss V. de Vierstraat

The Hun. - L/C Eddleston

Scene: Intelligence Office, Norty Worst Divn. Smellinghells.

Time: A.D. 1929.

SELECTION by the Orchestra.


Presents his Liliputian Novelty -

`A Stage on a Stage'

A few Choruses assisted by the Orchestra.

Entracte. `Loves Garden of Roses'. H. Wood


`The Drums of OUDE'. By Austin Strong

Capt. Hector MacGregor.

Capt. Eric White

Lt. Alan Hartley. Capt. A.H. Reid

Sgt. Gordon. L/C. O. Rae

Stewart (The Sentry). L/C Coffin

1st Native Servant. Cpl. W.H. Holden

2nd Native Servant. Gnr. Burgess.


Mrs Jack Clayton, (Hartley's Sister). Miss V. de Vierstraat

The action of the play takes place in an old storeroom of an Indian Palace, now occupied by the British.

Time: Shortly before daybreak.

Scenery designed and painted by Spr. Allison R.E.

Properties by Pioneer Rordham R.E.

Lighting by Divisional Signal Coy.

Play produced by Captain A.H. Reid.

The Drummers and Bugles kindly lent by Colonel Irons, C.O. of the 19th Middlesex, to whom the thanks of all concerned are due.

A Charlie Chaplin film

The Act Drop of the Theatre designed and painted by Sapper Allison.

The Black & White scene of the `Crumps' designed by Captain A.H. Reid, and painted by Sappers Logie and Allison.

Properties by the Ouderdom Scene and Property Company, Very Limited.


In the event of alarm - The audience is requested to leave the building quietly in the following manner -

Those at the back of the Hall by the entrance doors, and those nearest the stage by the emergency exit via back of stage



[Back Cover Illustration of Programme]

Appendix IV

The Transport Section

Shiny Seventh

City of London


Jan 4th 1917 Somewhere in Belgium



?? Ragowiant

(No d??er)


Petet Poisson Des TincansAvec Fillet

Du Pain Rott.


Les Moroemix Celebre Dun Cochon Rott

Avec Sauce Des Pomme


Les Petit Poires Vert De Tin Cans (Pas Issue)

Pomme De Terre Ordinaires


Duff De Noel Sans Rivale avec sauce

Blanc Mysterieous

Fruit (Not in bags) et converture Jaune de `Biro'.

Blanc Mange et GeLee

Biscuits Avec Frommage


Les Oanges Noisettes et les Pommes


La Biere celebre de `Bass' AoPwater





1. Piano Overture Farder

2. Song My Dreams Tubby

3. " Join Today The Reverend

4. " Mr Rafferty Herr Von Mask

5. Quartette Sweet & Low The Horrible Four

6. Song Yoi! Vot a bizness Farder

7. " I wish it was Saturday Night Mar??ed

8. Sketch Loading up the Mandy Lee Spick & Sp??

9. Song The Blue Dragoons ??

10." Something New ? Jell ?

11. " That's as far as I want to go Shoey

12. Duet The Battle Eve ? & Dan

13. Song Fishing Rabbit

14. " The Golden Dugt??an The Guvnor

15. Quartette True Till Death The Horrible Four

16. " I've had my fortune told The Reverend

17. " All the dogs went bow wow Herr Von Mask

18. " Soem Scotch Dodger

19. " Ancient Lights Mister Mammon

20. " I'll singe thee songs of draby Tubby

21. " You don't want to keep on shoving it Shoey

22. " All dressed up ??

23. " Glorious Devn

24. " I'm a member of the ? band

25. " Beware of the Widow

26. " I've brought me pal The Guvnor

27. " More Scotch Dodger

2. " ?Algy Rabbit


Pianists Pts. Hoperaft & Fuller

Appendix V

March 17, 1917 St. Patrick's Day

PROGRAMME: Dominion Lines

[Front Cover Illustration of Programme]

March 17, 1917 St. Patrick's Day


Dominion Lines


Price One Penny


7th Battn London Regiment Concert - March 17th 1917

1 Overture Selection 6th London Fld. Amb. Band

2. Song Until Pte. Speed

3. Song The Blue Hungarian Band L/Cpl Gibbons

4. Song Selected Pte. C. Stevens

5. Trench Comedians ? Lamn & Pte Allen

6. Song Selected Pte. Hawkins ASC

7. Humorous `Jack Johnson' Sgt. Bacon

8. Song `Friend of Mine' Pte. Daniels

9. Sketch `Tommy's Troubles' Gibbons & Co.

10. Song `Any Old Thing' L/Cpl Gamlin

11. Song `Hot Stuff' Pte. Nash?

12. Impersonations `B 5' 2nd. Lt. J.K.St. Aubyn

13. Song `10 o'clock' Sergt. Brabham

14. Humorous `9 and 13' Pte. Rolfe

15. Interlude `Selection' 6th London Fld. Amb. Band

16. Humorous monologue `I wonder what' Pte. Capham

17. Monologue `Coster Comedians' Pte. Schuetz & Pte. Trotmar

18. Song (Sentl) `Sugar Pte. Bosley

19. Song & Dance - Pte. Davey

20. Monologue - Pte. Scott

21. Song `All Scotch' Pte. Wallis

22. Humorous `Sumfing' DMr Lamin

23. Song `Joined Toady' Pte. Filmer

24. Humorous `Merry & Bright' Rfn. Shaw 6th Bn

25. Imitations - Pte. Wright

26. Monologue `Yer Woomin' Pte. Saunders & Pte. Axford

27. Humorous - Corpl. Cohen

28. Humorous `I want to go' Pte. Crabb

At the piano Firemen

2nd Lt. G.L. Head C.Q.M.S. Bonfield

Sergt. C.P. Whale C.Q.M.S. Addison

Drummer Barlies

Carriages 10 pm

Price Deux Sous


Appendix VI


In addition to the photographs and postcards reproduced in this text, there were additional photos and postcards preserved in the manuscript. Editorial considerations suggested that these should not be included, either due to their poor quality, or because their content did not illustrate the narrative significantly. They are listed below, and if they are of any particular interest to any reader, they are welcome to make further inquiries to the editor at Sentinel Projects. (The page numbers indicated indicate their location in the original typescript.)

Volume I

Adderley Street, Cape Town (Postcard, p 5.)

Madeira - Rede (Postcard of woman being carried in a hammock type device, p 11.)

Madeira - Teotro e Jardim Municipal - (postcard of a colonial style building: p. 12)

No. 77 G.P. Territorial Badge: Kind Edward's Horse (Coloured badge on cloth; p. 12)

43048 Bishops Stortford: Black Lion & Bridge Street. (Postcard, p. 14)

Photo of Brian Wade standing with two unnamed comrades; caption: `Your youngest son with two comrades. They came from the Malay Peninsula to join this regiment. p. 25.

Postcard of Eden Quay, Dublin, p. 32.

Postcard of French troops on bicycles on a road near a bombed chimney: La Grande Guerre 1914-15-16 - LOOS (P.- de - C.), Vise Paris Fosse du no 5 de Loos. La Cite du Maroc Bombarde, Edition Deschamps - Bethune. p. 56: Brian Wade's additional caption: `This chimney belongs to a coal mine, the pit-head of which is just to the right. When I saw it last, the stack had a shell hole through it about half way down.'

Volume II

Lieut `Dinky' Sutton, adjutant, 1/7th London Regt. & Captain `Jimmie' Hartley, `B' Company, 1/7th London Regt. 3/6/16 Bruay. N. France May 1916 (Photo, p 1+)

1/7th London Regt. `B' Coy. Sergeants, April 1916 (Group photo of 11 men, none named, p. 1a.)

Guess who? (Brian Wade) Bruay, 8th July, 1916 (p.1a)

Photo taken at Bruay, N. France - 1916 (Shows 3 officers, one Brian Wade and one holding a dog. Other two are not named. p. 2)

Yours truly in Bedford (Brian Wade, p. 2)

Battn. Q.M.S. Crutterden (Photo - facial features not discernable)

Somewhere in France or Belguim (Two landscape photos)

Billets en route from Belgium to the Somme 1916. (Four indistinct photos all showing bell tents pitched in various locations. P. 3a)

Jimmie Chatterton. Albert Church steeple in background. (Photo, p. 3a)

Another farmhouse billet. (Photo, 3a.)

The Somme battlefield, A blasted wood near Albert, a French farmhouse where we were billeted for a night, Somme countryside just behind firing line. (Photos, p. 5a)

Lieut. `Jimmie' Chatterton, M.C. (Portrait photo, p. 18a)

7th Lon. Transport Football Team. St Omer 1917. Farr + Cpl. Wood. (Team photo of 14 men and a dog)

Padre Bleasdale in his War Paint & Preparing for the fray. (Two photos of the chaplain, p. 18a)

Lieut/Quartermaster on leave, Waddington, Lincs. Aug. 1917 & Old Rochie in summer garb on leave in Blighty - 1917. (Small photos of the man concerned, p. 26a)

Brian, Doris Godson and friend

Sir Percy McKinnon + Jean (Photo, appears to be on a ship or pier)

High Quarry, Crockham Hill, 1918. Picnic, Kentish Woods Family photograph evidently of the MacKinnons) & Jean MacKinnon and friend (dog). P. 49a.

The Goat stable, Architect, Quantity Surveyor and builder (Photo of Brian Wade posing in his goat stable, p. 52a)

`Nada the Lily' (Ryder Haggard) and `Intombi' (the black sweetheard) (Photo of the two goats, p. 52a)

The herd and their mistress, milking time, Jean MacKinnon [dated June 1920, on the river, Oxford' at the back], and On board H.M.S. `Galway Castle' (Photo of Brian Wade in uniform, Jean MacKinnon and two other uniformed men - unidentified. P. 53a.)

[Five more photos of]`High Quarry, Crockham Hill', breakfasts in the loggia, Picnic in the Kentish Woods. (p. 55a)

Amanzimtoti (Four photos of assorted people in swimwear posing on rocks. Brian Wade is identifiable, but none of the others are identified, p. 54a)

Shopping, Dar es Salaam (Brian Wade posing in a solar tope, p. 61a)

Hellup! (Postcard received from Geo. D. Roche, posted to Brian Wade at Pietermaritzburg, December 1919. Postcard shows [?] Roche in a civilian suit contemplating a civilian hat - photo on which the published picture of the same scene was taken.)


Gale, John (1965) Clean Young Englishman London: Hodder and Stoughton Ltd.

Gray, Randal (with Christopher Argyle) (1990) Chronical of the First World War. Volume I: 1914 - 1916 Oxford: Facts on File Limited, ISBN: 0-8160-2139-2

Gray, Randal (with Christopher Argyle) (1991) Chronical of the First World War. Volume II: 1917 - 1921 Oxford: Facts on File Limited, ISBN: 0-8160-2595-9

Holding, Norman (1991) World War I Army Ancestry (2nd. Ed.). Birmingham: Federation of Family History Societies. ISBN 1-872094-16-3

James, Lionel (Lieut.-Col.) (Ed.). (1921) King Edward's Horse: The History of King Edward's Horse The King's Overseas Dominions Regiment) Forward by Gen. The Hon. Sir Herbert A. Lawrence London: Sifton, Praed & Co. Ltd., XV, 401 pp, Portraits, plates, maps 8 ½"

Maude, Alan H. (Ed.). (1922) The 47th (London) Division, 1914-1919 by some who served with it in the Great War. With a foreword by the Viscount Esher, G.C.B., G.C.V.O., P.C. London : Amalgamated Press, 1922.

McDonald, Lyn (1993) The Somme London: Penguin. ISBN: 0 14 017867 8

Planck, C. Digby (Ed.). (1946) History of the 7th (City of London) Battalion the London Regiment: embracing the 3rd London and the 32nd Searchlight Regiment, R.A. (7th City of London) with a foreword by Brig.-Gen. the Right Hon. Viscount Hampden, G.C.V.O., K.C.B., C.M.G.. - London : Old Comrades' Association,

Stone, Philippa. (1982) War diary of Private R.S. (Jack) Ashley 2472, 7th London Regiment 1914-1918 - London ISBN 0-9508179-0-2 (pbk.) (26 The Drive, South Woodford, London E18 2BL)


ARRAS 1:2 000 Institut Geographique National (Paris) 2406E Serie Bleue 3615 IGN ISBN: 3-282112 406247

LILLE, DUNKERQUE 1: 100 000 Institut Geographique National (Paris) Green Series, No. 2. 3615 IGN ISBN: 3 282110 000287

LAON, ARRAS 1: 100 000 Institut Geographique National (Paris) Green Series, No. 4. 3615 IGN ISBN: 3 282110 000478

Tanzania 1:2 000 000 Freytag & Berndt Printed in Austria ISBN: 3-85084-229-0

Published: 1 October 2007.

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