Schoolchildren, mostly children of the PF families in Ondangwa arriving at the primary school in Oshakati in armoured school busses.

School children at play with the school bomb-shelter visible in the background.

Residential area in Oshakati.

Residential area in Oshakati.

This is a scene from the residential area of Ondangwa. Note the machine gun tower in the background, and, if you are interested, donkeys in the foreground.

`R-kids': SADF vehicles had registration numbers beginning with the letter `R'. This was developed so that in my circles at least the children of PF members were called `R-Kids'. This is one, posing inside a Ringhals armoured ambulance, wearing my medics beret and holding my R5 rifle. The magazine IS empty and the safety is `on'. This picture was used as the cover for the paperback book of my 1987 Border Duty `Grensvegter?' of which this is part of the on-line version.

Sadly underexposed `R-kid'.

Published: 7 February 2002.

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